Monday, January 18, 2010

Using hypnosis for stress relief

If you are suffering from stress and there is nothing that helps then it is wise to look at hypnosis for relief.

Firstly what is stress?
Stress is when you have responsibilities and/or tasks that you need to achieve and if you do not there will be certain consequences. Your stress is how you deal with this situation and how much you worry and have a negative reaction to it. Most people stress about work because they have targets and deadlines and their job is at risk if they do not achieve them. This directly links to debt repayments which can not be paid if there is no income. As you can see stress is thinking about a situation in negative way that leads to what can possibly go wrong. This leads to this negative being associated to every situation and therefore creates a cycle that continues.

How can hypnosis help?
So what does hypnosis do? It uses our neuro-linguistic programming and “reprograms” us in a way. So when it comes to stress hypnosis is used to start changing the negative with responsibilities and tasks into positives with challenges. It is all about making your psychological reaction to these things change, which involves changing your thinking process. So in effect after multiple hypnosis sessions you will start to block out the association of stress in relation to work and focus on other positives such as upcoming holidays, how secure the job is, a happy family life (basically whatever works for you).

Can anyone use hypnosis for stress relief
The answer is a definite yes! We all have our own psychological barriers that can be pulled down as long as we believe in the treatment. Have a look at the link to the right for some more information about a course that will give you results.

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