Monday, January 25, 2010

Free hypnosis scripts

There are plenty of free hypnosis scripts out there but the issue is, are they reliable and is it worth it to use them? This is a touchy subject and I have to say that if you find free scripts it will not give you all the information you need to become completely competent in learning hypnosis. Just like anything else in this world you get what you pay for right.

Basic scripts that you can use
Basic hypnosis scripts will give you a set of instructions to follow when it comes to the initial hypnotic induction. Obviously if you are just starting out you will need to learn the induction before anything else otherwise your subject will not be in the right state of mind. These scripts will tell you to make sure your subject is in a relaxed state and to use analogies that remind them of a time in their life that they were happy and relaxed. The script will have entry phrases and words you can use to achieve this as well as tone of voice that you should use. Generally the more positive words that you use (and repeat the positive words that they use) the better the result and using a deeper monotone voice is also advised.

Hypnosis induction and now what?
This is where most people who go searching for free hypnosis scripting get stuck because the next step gets difficult without professional coaching. You see the reason that there is a limit to the amount that you can learn regarding hypnosis though scripting is because to get real results you need to take a course. You would be amazed how much more you can learn when a professional is teaching you and giving you advise.

Can I take an online hypnosis course?
Yes you can take an online hypnosis course and guess what it is a lot cheaper than you think. If you seriously want to learn hypnosis then I recommend the Power of Conversational Hypnosis (link at the top right of screen) simply because it is taught by Igor Ledochowski who has changed the face of modern day hypnosis teaching techniques. Seriously have a look for yourself and take the step if you are serious.

1 comment:

  1. Good advice. It's best to take a formal course rather than just grab free hypnosis scrips and jumping in.

    Self Hypnosis Scrips
